Selected Research Publications

To excise or ablate endometriosis? A prospective randomized double-blinded trial after 5-year follow-up.

Reduced pain thresholds and signs of sensitization in women with persistent pelvic pain and suspected endometriosis.

‘So many women suffer in silence’: a thematic analysis of women’s written accounts of coping with endometriosis.

[Effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist used before surgery on natural pregnancy rates in patients with ovarian endometriomas].

Association of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease with Risk of Endometriosis: A Nationwide Cohort Study Involving 141,460 Individuals.

Endometriosis and infertility: Insights into the causal link and management strategies

Preliminary insights on the relation between endometriosis, pelvic pain, and employment.

Modifiable life style factors and risk for incident endometriosis.

Surgery for Endometriosis Improves Major Domains of Quality of Life: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Prediction of Pouch of Douglas Obliteration: Point-of-care Ultrasound Versus Pelvic Examination.

Questionnaire-based evaluation of sexual life after laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis: a systematic review of prospective studies.

Impact of coping strategies on quality of life of adolescents and young women with endometriosis.